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Presentation of the book - And then there is Ramona - by Fátima Romero Álvarez

Presentation of the book - And then there is Ramona - by Fátima Romero Álvarez
Publicado en:25-10-2021

On October 20, 2021, the Presentation of the book "And then there is Ramona" by Fátima Romero Álvarez, a resident of Torremolinos for many years, took place in the Assembly Hall of the Pablo Ruíz Picasso Cultural Center.

This was the second activity to commemorate the day of the writers. "And then there is Ramona" is the first book by Fátima Romero, a novel that mixes fiction, with some paranormal and horror, as Fatima herself has told in the presentation, a large part of this book has been written in the cafeteria of the Cultural Center, since he has been coming to the Chinese workshop that is taught in the building for about seven years, and he loves being there for its magnificent facilities.

The event was also accompanied by the screening of the trailer for the book itself and, at the end, the writer signed copies to the people who attended and who bought them, giving two to the municipal libraries of Torremolinos, so that our users and users can know the story.

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