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Activities for all public

Interactive workshop - Working on emotions in times of change

date: 19 May 2021

Open Door: 18:00

start: 18:00

Dirección: Centro Cultural Pablo Ruiz Picasso,

Calle de la Cruz, 42, 29620 Torremolinos, Málaga



Interactive workshop - Working on emotions in times of change

Psychoeducational workshop where, through theory and practice of emotional intelligence exercises, art therapy and mindfulness, the participants obtain tools for their emotional self-regulation. Live workshop where positive awareness challenges are created for greater decision-making power and the ability to act effectively in the face of adversity, always within a framework of respect and trust.


To participate in this activity, you have to register by writing an email to Bibliotecapicasso@torremolinos.es or by calling 952 385 182.
